À Bakersfield en Californie, le 13 avril 2015, à l’âge de 81 ans, est décédé M. Ronald deBonville, conjoint de Gisèle, résidant à Rivière-Beaudette. Outre sa conjointe, il laisse dans le deuil ses neveux et nièces, ses belles-sœurs Delores Smith deBonville et Rachel Boyer Gagné, ses beaux-frères Claude Boyer et Albert St-Aubin ainsi que parents et amis. La famille recevra les condoléances le samedi 23 mai de 9h à 11h au Complexe J.A.Larin & Fils, 317, rue Victoria, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec. (450) 373-3636 www.jalarin.com Une liturgie de la parole suivra à 11h à la Chapelle du Complexe. Inhumation au cimetière de Valleyfield.
My heart & soul go out to my sweet Auntie in the loss of her soul-mate my Uncle. My Auntie & Uncle have always been so inspirational to me as a mentor in life ,love & Family. As with the loss of my beloved Father, there will not be a day that goes by that I don’t think of my beloved Uncle and wish I could hear his words of wisdom once again coaching me on life & living. My beloved Uncle, you live on within my heart & soul. I will miss you immensely…….
Uncle Ronnie, you will surely be
missed; visiting the lake will never be the same without you.
I won’t forget all the good times we had with you and Auntie. You were both like second parents to me and, my sister Michelle. You were like a father to Christo, he respected and admired you so much. I loved you because you told people exactly how you felt, you were always honest and spoke exactly how you felt. You and Auntie Gisele were just like grandparents to our daughter
Lauren, she misses you so much. Well Uncle I know I will see you again, the Bible says we will indeed see our loved one again when you are resurrected.
That’s makes me happy and gives something to look forward to. I love you and will miss you until I see you again.
Your Niece, Natalie DeBonville
Thank you “Mon oncle Ronald” for bringing the cowboy vibes into our lives. We will always remember your beautiful cowboys boots, your unique personality, the fantastic cars and the crazy singing fish on your wall.
We are so grateful to have known you.
Adèle, Viggo, Lina
Uncle Ronnie I can not believe that your gone this fast. You don’t know how much I miss you. If I could just say my last goodbye to you. I love you So much Uncle Ronnie, and I hope you have a great time in Heaven